Sunday, March 23, 2014

(Seventeen) Facts About Me

Sorry for the delay! This past week was a really busy one. Going back to school after a 3 week Spring Break is never easy, but hey, my birthday was on Friday! Let's just say that I can now legally get into Rated R movies. My new Omnipod Insulin Pump set came in! I go down to Hopkins on Thursday for saline training, and then I go back the following week to start on Insulin. I'm excited to be able to sleep in again.
I had a bonfire last night for my birthday. It wasn't anything big - just a few of my closest friends. It was a lot of fun and it was really good seeing everyone. I also got a job! This summer I will be lifeguarding at a local pool! I'm really excited for that. Being outside by the pool and helping people will be awesome.
As said in my last post, I an now completely open about my Diabetes, and I couldn't be happier. People have been really supportive of me, and actually interested in my story and supplies. Everything thinks that the meter and pricker are cool. I am in a really good place in my life right now. I distanced myself from the people who aren't there for me and got a lot closer with some people. I don't want to be around any negativity, so that's why there are some people who I'm leaning away from.
There have been a lot of people who wanted to know more about me, about my story, and how I'm dealing with everything. For the last question, I'm doing really well with all of this. People have been supportive, doctors have been cool, and I'm getting used to all of it. It's starting to feel normal to me. I decided to post 17 facts about me, in the spirit of me turning 17 a few days ago. Here goes nothing.

About Me:

1. I was born on March 21, 1997

2. I have one older brother and one older sister (yes, I am the baby of the family)

3. My favorite color is blue, and colors are red, white, and blue (a little patriotic)

4. I have 2 cats (Debbie and Angel) and 1 dog (Katie)

5. I grew up around the water (We have had a pool my entire life and go to the beach)

6. I played Football for 7 years, Baseball for 11, Soccer for 1, Basketball for 3, and Lacrosse for 2

7. My favorite foods are Cheesesteaks, Burgers, Pasta, and Tacos

8. My favorite TV show is Continuum (Victor Webster and Rachel Nichols are awesome)

9. I am of Polish, Welsh, British, Irish, French (I think), and Native American ancestry

10. I did Martial Arts when I was younger

11. I drive a bright yellow convertible Mustang

Now to the Diabetes questions:

12. My blood sugar was 524 when I was diagnosed and I thought that the meter was broken because I was in denial

13. My A1C was 11.7

14. I lost 20 pounds in the month of January

15. I showed the common signs (dry mouth/skin, really thirsty, going to the bathroom a lot, anger, nausea, fatigue, weight loss) but thought that they were happening because my body was changing from the workout program that I was doing

16. One of the things that has helped me come to terms with my Diabetes was peoples' stories online (knowing that there are others out there like you really helps)

17. I have a really great support system and I refuse to let this disease bring me down in any way.

P.S., please share this blog with people. I really want other people like me to know that they aren't alone and that Diabetes isn't the end of the world. Also, I really want to raise more awareness for this cause. If you know anyone with Diabetes who is having a hard time or just wants to talk, please have them email me at or . Thanks!

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