Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Q&A Part 2

Hey Everyone! Here's the second part to the Q&A! Also, I am going to try to start doing interviews on here! I will be posting different interviews that i hold with people. My first one will be up soon and it will be with one of my bestfriends, Lexi. These questions are the ones that aren't diabetes-related, unlike the questions in Part 1. Let's jump into it!

Q: What's your favorite animal?
A: Definitely a White Tiger! They're really cool!

Q: What is your favorite vacation spot?
A: I've never left the U.S., but I really like Florida. It's so awesome (and warm) down there!

Q: What is the biggest achievement of your life?
A: My friend said that the answer to this one is being friends with her (let's let her think that). Anyway, the biggest achievement of my life (so far) is me choosing to accept my Diabetes and not let it bring me down. I chose to fight this disease and there's not one day where I regret it.

Q: Who is your hero?
A: My big sister, Lindsey. She has been such a positive influence, role model, and inspiration to me. She has been through hell and back, almost losing her life when she was just two years old, and stands strong at 25 years old. I don't know what I would do or who I would be without her.

Q: What's your favorite food?
A: Cheesesteaks.

Q: What kind of car do you drive?
A: A Ford Mustang

Q: What are you biggest pet peeves?
A: When people who know nothing about Diabetes try telling me how to manage mine and when people make up rumors about others.

Q: Favorite diet soda?
A: Diet Mt. Dew!

Q: Favorite desert food?
A: Either dirt pudding or raspberry lemon cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory

Q: What is your favorite fast food restaurant/s?
A: Taco Bell, Sonic, or KFC

10 Questions done! Keep sending them in and I will answer more in my next Q&A post! Keep an eye out for my next post! It should be up soon!

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